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SimplyStu Podcast Series

Welcome to my Podcast.  I love what I do and hope you enjoy the shows!

Apr 3, 2006

Learn from Darvin McBrayer, a Dallas-based exercise physiologist, who will give you a great starting point to learn about metobolic testing. Also get a first hand account of Team In Training from Brian from Plano Texas.

almost nineteen years ago

Hey Stu! Just sitting in the \"parent\" lounge in the hospital unable to sleep, listening to your latest podcast, while Wifey sleeps off today\'s round of blood transfusions, immunosuppressants, TPN, and pain meds. She\'s in the fight of her life against her post transplant GVHD - hard to sleep when her doctors keep using the phrase \"the worst they\'ve ever seen\" :) Thanks for spreading the word about TnT, it\'s certainly what I needed to hear tonight.


almost nineteen years ago

Hi Stu,
Does your podcast offer product reviews? If so, the staff at SnowPack would like to send you our SnowPack Body-n-Ice Cool Kit to try out. Great for fast pain relief after a race, our Cool Kit makes it easy to take your ice therapy with you.

For more info, visit our website at:

We even have a Runner’s Special for your listeners. By going to the SnowPack Runner’s Special page, your podcast listeners receive free shipping (a value of $6.50) when they purchase the Cool Kit from this page. Here’s the link to the Runner’s Special:

I’m sure your podcast listeners would appreciate your review of the SnowPack Cool Kit – plus saving money on shipping.

Please email me if you would like to try a Cool Kit.

Many thanks!

almost nineteen years ago

Hi Stu,
Speaking of product reviews...
We\'d love you to check out

The site is the brain-child of Dr. Dan Benardot, PhD, RD, FACSM, who is a Sports Nutritionist that has worked with several Olympic teams, including the US marathoners for the 2004 Athens Games and the 1996 US Gymnastics team. He is also the author of \'Nutrition For Serious Athletes\' and \'Advanced Sports Nutrition\'.

The site is an amazing web application that is fully customized for each user. It allows you to enter your base information, and then keep track of all meals and exercise. The best part is the results we\'re able to provide. In fact, we are the online website that can graphically display a user\'s Within-Day Energy Balance. We also provide a full actual vs. recommended nutrient breakdown for each day - all customized to the amount of exercise you\'ve done that day, and several other graphs that you will not find on any other website out there.

SportsNutritionClinic has also partnered with the Gatorade Sports Science Institute to offer the GSSI articles in a searchable format. In addition, there are weekly Q&As, Live Chats, Community Boards, Quick Tips, Quizzes, and more.

For all the SimplyStu readers, use promotional code SNCBC626 and save 30% on either type of membership! Just enter the code into the Group/Promo Code field at the bottom of the sign-up page.

Let me know if you\'re interested in reviewing, and I\'ll get you setup to do so.


over seventeen years ago

I am simply fascinated to hear about such tests, they provide many quality informations about the human body resistance but it\\\'s also a real help for medical science. Is it true that the subject needs to have a vitamin treatment before testing?
DIscount Vitamins

almost nineteen years ago

After listening to the show I felt there was a question you asked Darvin that didn’t get fully answered. The question was what the testing says about my nutritional needs. Allow me to try and answer. Darvin has tested my basal baseline caloric need (doing nothing all day but sitting around) at 1930 calories per day and my optimal exercise zone caloric needs are at 450 calories per hour. That\'s about two gel packets and two full bottles of sports drink per hour. However, what my exact intake needs are, and what Darvin briefly touched on, isn’t exactly known and staying adequately fed is something that takes practice. He says the amount of calories a body needs is fairly easy to determine in the first few hours of exercise but gets harder to predict as exercise continues. The longer the physical exertion the more sensitive the stomach, liver, and kidneys become to foods and water. Darvin\'s and the sports nutritionist he consults with advices me to eat as close to my caloric need as possible and make modifications if I start having gastronomical problems. I’ve found that if I eat, in addition to the gels and sports drink, a few bites of peanut butter and jelly sandwich or a couple of Fig Newtons when I stop to refill my water bottles (every hour or so) I don’t get that bloated or gassy feeling around the fourth hour of working out. The nutritionist says this works for me because I’m introducing some protein into the mix and that helps with digestion. Neither Darvin or the nutritionist have an exact formula for how many calories should come from carbs, fats, or protein during prolonged exercise, i.e. over seven hours, but both agree that carbs should be the primary source and adding protein and fat in small quantities helps from a comfort perspective. That’s probably why we hear about Ironman contestants drinking chicken soup broth late in the race. The main point is the only way to find what might work is to train for long periods of time, in race-like conditions, and rehearse a nutrition strategy.

I thought the show turned out great. Thank you for allowing me to talk about TNT and be a part of the show. I hope you get lots of good feedback and it helps listeners in their training.

\"TriBoomer\" Brian

almost nineteen years ago

What an awesome show Stu! Very well done. I want to get this testing done ASAP!