Jul 31, 2006
I have judged and I have made up my mind for now. I have made up my mind until someone can prove Floyd wrong. I put my faith in Floyd because of what Allen has given me. I have put my faith in Floyd as I put my faith in many others. This may be naive, but you will learn loyalty is my strongest trait. I'm 100% loyal to my family. I'm 100% loyal to my friends. I'm 100% loyal to my listeners. Allen is in this category. He has given so much that I feel a loyalty to him. I will not be loyal to dishonesty, but an honest man like Allen gets my faith.
You can also see the picture I picked for the show today. It is a picture of an empty finish line. It is so perfect for this show. Everyone has faith that the riders will come. Everyone has faith that they will see his or her favorite rider. Everyone has faith that in the end, the truth happens. I'm loyal to the finish line and I'm putting my faith that in a few days or weeks, I will see Floyd cross the line and win the Tour de France again!
Dude? You CAN NOT load this to your site while I am work, do you know how much torture it is for me to have to wait to get home to listen to it?
(My work doesn\'t allow streaming media or downloading to our desktops).
These last two hours have DRAGGED!!!
stu, first time i\'ve listened to your podcast, and gave you a shout out on my blog for a great interview, and posted your podcast up on raceAthlete.com as well!
well done!
p.s. also dedicated a Sherman\'s Lagoon to you and the podcasters today on my blog -- besides a p-dawg salute, it is one of my highest honors.